Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Christine, Christina

Today is the day I put in my AVON order. Unless I get another order, all but one of my customers have some form of the name Christina. One goes by her middle name, thankfully. And believe it or not I have another future customer named Christina. Maybe I should broaden my horizons, LOL.
My oldest daughter and I were reading a story yesterday morning, we came across the name Cristina. I told my daughter that I'd never seen it spelt that way before. Well my very next customer spelt her name that way.
Just a quick update. We've been very busy with my dad, his family came in for a few days, one of my aunts is staying for another week and a half. My dear sister and her husband came for a short visit. Their baby is as cute as every, she doesn't seem to have grown much since we last saw her. Which is fine with me, she is walking though and it is so cute to see her toddling along. I haven't seen my dad in a few days but my mom seems to think he is slowly on the mend.
How do you address a situation in which someone dear to your heart is partaking of things they should not? They know they are doing wrong, have no remorse, and believe that God will give them time to make things right, maybe by sending another trial their way. When I first found out I was so Mad!!! I gave it to the Lord and am trying to leave it there. They've been through so many hard trials in life already. I'm not sure what they think they are asking for.


meNmykids said...

Christina is a lovely name, I didn't realize that it was so popular. I am so glad your dad seems some better, lots of prayer here for him. When someone knowingly disobeys the lord there is nothing that you can do unless the lord prepares their heart and leads you. LOTS of prayer. It doesn't help to be mad though, hard to pray when you are mad. Hope all goes well.

Mom of 3, Aunt of 16 said...
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Mom of 3, Aunt of 16 said...

Gale- Thanks so much for the comment. I guess I'm waiting on the Lord, sending up prayers, and leaving it with the Lord when I start to get mad. The Lord has helped me hold my tongue so far.

Jules said...

I will continue to pray for your dad. I know what you mean, it is SO hard to see people not living right and feeling no remorse for the life they live. I know a lot of people like that. I guess we just need to pray that their hearts will be softened and their eyes will be opened, before it is too late for them.