Thursday, February 26, 2009


My son has set 3 goals for himself.
1. Sleeping without a night light
2. Doing a better job on his homework
3. Getting his chores done well
He has succesfully slept without a night light 2 nights in a row and his currently working on day 2 of the other goals. His dad and I are very proud of him.
Maybe we could learn from his example and try harder to make our own goals, stick to them , and meet them.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Yesterday we had the young people from church in our home. The tuned my children's instruments which was very, very nice of them since I have no idea how to. After they left my children of course had to get their instruments out and practice them. My son learned to play "Amazing Grace" and sounded better each time he played. I'm not really sure were he learned to read music. My oldest daughter got her violin out and the youngest not to be out done played the keyboard. Eventually we sang a few church songs together. It was a nice, peaceful time for us. None of us are very good but it sounded lovely to me and I'm sure that it was wonderful in God's ears. I'd sure like a few more evenings like that.
We are planning to go on a trip next month and I'm hoping that some of the brethren might be willing to show my children how to play more church songs. I think my daughter can make lovely music on the violin, and I'd like to see what she could do playing it as a fiddle. I'm looking forward to the time spent with my "family". My son and his Papa have gotten together a time or two with some other brethren and done some "pickin". He enjoyed it so much and absorbs any attention and help that he gets with his guitar.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Scum of the Earth

My dad preached yesterday and said that we were scum of the earth. That God formed man from the dust (scum) of the earth. How truly unworthy any of us are of his perfect love. He preached about how that we are all the same in God's eyes. Rich, poor, beggar, king. How that human nature will look with favor or disdain on one. That God does not prefer one over the other. Also he preached that if we desired to be called of God and sought after it God would call us.
I was reminded of where I could have been except for the mercies of God each and every day of my life. I was reminded of the many trials God has brought us through. How that when I would stray away, when I couldn't feel or hear God anymore, he was there. The long road and struggles that it took to get myself where God wanted me to be so that I could feel him and hear him once again.
I got a phone call that made me feel many mixed emotions yesterday morning. It was one of those that is short but can do a lot of damage if we are not very careful. It caused my dear husband and I to be very thankful for our intact family with all of its foibles.
The mercies of God that he would call me, sum of the earth, LOL
That he would bless me with a wonderful husband and children. Health and Strength in our bodies. A husband that fears the Lord and seeks after his will, one that takes his family to church and among the brethern. Whose heart cares so deeply for the brethern and his family. For children that love the Lord and the brethern.
There are days when I am very thankful for our simple, happy home of prayer.