Monday, September 14, 2009

1st day of Kindergarten

Today was my baby's 1st day of kindergarten. We went last week and met her teacher, saw her class room , checked out the bathrooms and library. We have been ready for weeks.... Her school clothes hung nicely in the closet. The countdown was on....
So we are in line awaiting instructions, she is doing her shy bit. And then she sees her bestest playground buddy, she instantly hands over all her "Important" first day stuff, and they clasp hands, jauntily going on. I felt a little sorry for the other mom. She said, "What about mom?". Here was her baby, probably up to that point completely relying on her mom, and suddenly here is a best bud and they are ready to go on to kindergarten together.
Well my baby got settled in, I waited a bit and then went on home. I guess I missed the crying dad, with mom saying "we have to go now".
This is my 1st to go to a public school but surprisingly enough there wasn't any high emotion on either part. I'm looking forward to volunteering. I will sadly enough miss open house and the first parent teacher meeting. Well I suppose that good old dad will do just as well.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Our children

It seems like our children are growing up so fast. Little Miss M just turned 5. We had a wonderful little tea party for her. Her and her bestest friend just got through sharing a little sickness. When they get along they are inseparable and when the have a tiff it last maybe 15 minutes..... and they are definitely on the outs. LOL Maybe part of that has to do with being the baby?
Our oldest is growing and maturing before our very eyes. He's just a little over a year away from being a teenager. It looks like he will be more mature by the time he gets there than we would have thought even 6 months ago. He's volunteering at the library about once a week, getting his chores done in record time, and trying to find ways to fill the rest of his summer and stay busy.
Our middle child is growing, and growing, and growing. Truthfully both of the older 2 are shooting up at record rates. About the time I buy them new clothes that fit they are to small again. She is still our little dreamer. Her heart is as big as the all outdoors, which is where she prefers to spend her days. It is really hard for her to stay inside and do her chores. She is constantly going outside every 5 minutes. I think sometimes she just gets to dreaming and forgets that she has things to do, and runs outside. (to wallow in the dirt it seems)
Needless to say we are all enjoying our summer. The fastest season in which my children usually grow the fastest it seems. Hope you all are enjoying your summer.....

Thursday, June 4, 2009


I've got asparagus. Yeah!!! I just planted it and didn't expect to see any this year. I am so thrilled. I think I'm supposed to leave it alone this year, let it go dormant. I'm still excited to see that some of it has come up.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Princess Tea Party

My baby will be turning 5 this year! In celebration we will be having a tea party at Sis C's house on the 19th of June. I'm thinking 4pm. It will be Princess themed and I need to get the addresses of you sisters up there in Portland. I thought it would be nice if the teenage girls would like to serve. I'm not sure if Sis C will be back from Cali but she said that I could use her yard. So if you could get those addresses to Tisha or to me through MySpace I would so much appreciate it.
My daughter would love for everyone to be dressed up and I figured they could change into play clothes afterwards. Tiara's, boa's. dresses, gloves ect. My daughter is definately the girly girl type. Oh what fun to plan......

Monday, May 18, 2009


I went to a meeting that told us all about the wonderful sales in campaign 12 through 15 or so. And they do have some awesome deals, they always do.
Well fast forward 4 days.....I had ordered a costumer a bag to be delivered before my usual order would come. In it was a campaign12 book. Now I have like 50 in my room but I haven't looked at them yet, shame on me. So I go through and turn up the pages on some of the sales......and then I get almost to the end of the book. And there is this really awesome deal, 8 pages worth as a matter of fact. Now why didn't they tell me about this deal? I guess because its not a money maker. As a matter of fact I have 3 orders already from these pages and the 3 of them combined equal a "typical" order. This sale so interested me I had to immediately go out and tell all of my neighbors.
What sale could this be that I am so excited about? I would call it a stock up sale, simple basics at low prices with a bonus. The deoderant is $.89 each. (we need to stock up on that) with every 2 items you purchase you get a free hand cream. There are 4 kinds to choose from. I actually had to talk one of my customers into taking the free hand cream, the one and only thing she wanted happened to be on one of those 8 pages. I told her that if she couldn't use the handcream she could always give it as a gift to someone. Another customer only orders a certain kind of AVON deoderant. She gladly stocked up at that great price and got 3 hand creams while she was at it.
If you go to my webpage on the left there is a list of ways to shop. Pick by brochure. Then you will see several brochures. You click on the book you want to look at. This sale is in the big black one with the gold ipod shuffle on the front. The sale is starts on page 154 and goes to 161. The current free shipping code is FSWER.
You can go to the link on the left of my page or go to
If your shipping a care package to another state you will pay the taxes from those states. I have shipped to both Oklahoma and Missouri.
They are also having a sale on their SSS bath products pg 140-141 Shampoo and other hair products buy 1 get 1 for $.99. Like I said a stock up on the basics sale. :)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

On Thursday evening before Mother's day my son had some time after his Tae Kwon Do class to make me a "card". He gave it to me as soon as he got home. The perfect Mother's Day gift, a homemade card from my son. It almost made me cry. He wanted to get something more for me and I said that he had already given me the perfect Mother's day gift. On Mother's day he fixed me breakfast. Eggs, well done toast, a small cup of creamer with a little bit of coffee, and even a small piece of egg shell on the rim of the cup. Now these things mean so much to me because I've been waiting all these years for my children to give me gifts from themselves of their own accord.
Last night as I went to bed there was another lovely card on my bed. This time it was made by my #1 daughter who doesn't like to draw or write. The picture was lovely and even though the words were not all spelt write they were well written. I could tell that she had put some thought and time into this lovely card.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Focus on the Family

My alarm clock is set for 6:30 in the morning to a local Christian radio station. Sometimes it goes off and about half an hour later it filters through to me with some upbeat Christian song. Other mornings Focus on the Family is on and I get to listen to that for about 30 minutes. Each morning that I get to hear Focus on the Family it seems to speak about something dear to my heart, is relevant to something going on with our family, or a current issue we are facing in the world today. I had heard so much about the Miss America runner up but hadn't watched it, heard the question, or response. So this morning she was on there and they played the clip of the question and answer. I truthfully was amazed at how anyone could find fault with her answer. It may not have been the judge's opinion but it was hers. I did not hear any disrespect for the gay community in her answer. Its amazing to me how that the USA is supposed to have freedom of speech and a right to have beliefs and stick to them but...... An opinion!?!
Okay needless to say it gets those old brain cells working in the morning. Sometimes it has to do with an issue or concern we have in the raising of our children. It helps me see where we are going in the right direction or gives me ideas on things to try. It seems that in this day and age when everything is supposed to be accepted and acceptable except for traditional family values it is a good dose of reality.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our amazing son

Our son has had a pretty rough year of schooling this year. Not only did he go into 6th grade from 5th, he did so with all strings cut. Most of the time he has had no help from Dad and Mom. He was put into a special class so that he could pass state testing. All classes except for Reading, Math, Science, and Technology were cut from his curriculum.
We were informed that as soon as he passed state testing these classes (his favorite) would be added back. There are several testing windows starting in October. We signed up for the 1st testing window and got prepared. After a couple hours he passed with flying colors. We waited and waited for his classes to change. They finally changed in January, nearly 3 months after he passed the testing. So there he was with half a year gone and half of his classes added on, suddenly more than doubling his work load.
He quickly finished up 2 of the added classes and technology. He is in the last stretch of the school year with 4 of his 7 subjects left to go. 3 of which are currently showing on his scheduler as finishing a week or more after school is over.
Looking back over the school year he has accomplished an amazing amount of work amazingly well. With a little bit of help, and a little more hard work he will finish the school year without having to cut any of his assignments. He will probably barely pass because of his grades, some of which he really did not apply himself to. But he will pass, and have done it all.
Now the big question. Should he do 6th grade again? How much harder will 7th grade be? Will it be any harder than trying to get half of your subjects done in half the time? With more teachers will he get more support and help?
Some of his growing and changing and conflicting this year has been part of growing up. We can see a growing up, maturing, taking on of responsibility in him. He is becoming more respectful and thoughtful of others. Over all this year, looking at the whole picture, we are in awe of this son of ours.
We feel that he needs the most help in his writing. He hates writing. If any of you have an idea on how to encourage writing and strengthen it over the summer any advice would be much appreciated.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Spring Cleaning (Avon)

OK, I love AVON and for many reasons I have excess AVON products.
Also I have finally been transferred to the district I live in.(very long story)
So as a celebration of finally being transferred, (and needing to recoup some of my losses) I am having an Open House this Saturday from 10-5.
I will giving away door prizes (30 day memberships to curves), serving refreshments,(drinks and sandwiches), hopefully selling some of those products, and doing lots of visiting.
So come on over, take a look, and do a little visiting.
Last time 2 or 3 people came by so it was a cozy little time.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Another Trip

We've have been going like crazy the last couple of weeks.
My dear hubby and I were ready to kick back and have a nice quiet weekend at home.
However a dear sister J had a stroke. In church on Wednesday dear sister T testified about how much Sis J had been a help to her many times. It pressed on my mind to offer to drive her to see Sis J.
I asked my dear hubby and he said yes.
We went and were blessed beyond measure.
I had many good visits with dear brethern, some I hadn't visited in years. Sis T and I were able to spend the night with Sis J which was a help to her family.
On the way to church, (an hour late) Sis T and I had a good visit. When we walked in Bro M was up preaching about the exact thing that we had been discussing.
Words cannot begin to explain the wonder working of God.
After church, more visiting, with brethern, and dinner we headed home. When the ride had gotten a little monotonous my dear hubby started singing. One by one we joined in. In a little bit my son, in the middle seat with me, started a song. I rejoiced in the songs we sang with him as I thought, "It would be nice if daughter S in the back seat would start a song."
After a few more songs, very quietly daughter S started a song. When I listened carefully to hear what song it was and got Dad to start it....Wow. She was a-glow with pride and happiness that we had decided to sing the song she had so meekly been singing the herself.
I was more rested from this trip than all the previous ones.
We had went to try and be a comfort and came away much richer.
The Faith is still the same, God is still the same. And I'm glad that he has chosen me.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Lemon Meringue

Sunday, March 15, 2009

God Answers Prayers

Just Read this and wanted to share.
Dwight Nelson recently told a true story about the pastor of his church. He had a kitten that climbed up a tree in his backyard and then was afraid to come down. The pastor coaxed, offered warm milk, etc. The kitty would not come down. The tree was not sturdy enough to climb, so the pastor decided that if he tied a rope to his car and drove away so that the tree bent down, he could then reach up and get the kitten. That's what he did, all the while checking his progress in the car. He then figured if he went just a little bit further, the tree would be bent sufficiently for him to reach the kitten. But as he moved the car a little further forward, the rope broke. The tree went "boing!" and the kitten instantly sailed through the air-out of sight. The pastor felt terrible. He walked all over the neighborhood asking people if they'd seen a little kitten. No. Nobody had seen a stray kitten. So he prayed, "Lord, I just commit this kitten to your keeping," and went on about his business. A few days later he was at the grocery store, and met one of his church members. He happened to look into her shopping cart and was amazed to see cat food. This woman was a cat hater and everyone knew it, so he asked her, "Why are you buying cat food when you hate cats so much?" She replied, "You won't believe this," and then told him how her little girl had been begging her for a cat, but she kept refusing. Then a few days before, the child had begged again, so the Mom finally told her little girl, "Well, if God gives you a cat, I'll let you keep it." She told the pastor, "I watched my child go out in the yard, get on her knees, and ask God for a cat. And really, Pastor, you won't believe this, but I saw it with my own eyes. A kitten suddenly came flying out of the blue sky, with its paws outspread, and landed right in front of her."

Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Sam

Sam your 9 years old now. Boy how the time has flown. I remember when you were a small baby that couldn't and didn't want to eat. The daily diaries I kept of every little morsel that went into your mouth. The support and encouragement from my dear "Mothers" in the faith. When you were very first born the Lord showed me that it would be important for you to have many "mothers" and "grandmothers" in the faith. I just didn't know how much I would rely on them myself....
I remember your first steps. Done secretly when I wasn't looking, just like your mama many years before.
The struggle to "know" you. How do I get to know you. That was question I asked my aunties. After a boy a girl was much different. I think that I know and love you well now......for the moment.
The love and compassion that you have in your heart for all of God's creatures. The mothering instinct that naturally draws animals to you.........and your brother late at night. He knows that no matter what time of the day or night he can always come to you for a listening ear and sympathy.
The changes that we see in you. The glimpses of the beautiful young lady you are becoming. Many times I catch myself wanting to grab you and make the clock stop. The beauty and love in your eyes, that for today are for us, but soon.....will be for another.
The constant prayer for guidance. How to teach you to be an upright and virtuous woman. The gladness in our hearts when we see our instructions take root. And then a moment later the sadness that one day you will be making a home somewhere else. But yet even gladness than because when letting you go we will be making room in our hearts for more love.
This year it seems that you have grown in many different ways. Intellectual, spiritual, physical, and emotional. Your like a butterfly that we would like to catch, but can't. So instead we just watch.......and wonder at the beauty God is creating in you. Outward beauty yes, but more importantly inward beauty.

Monday, March 2, 2009


All The girls had to have their hair curled. So the photo session started.............
All different shapes and sizes......

Gramma got in on the fun

Thursday, February 26, 2009


My son has set 3 goals for himself.
1. Sleeping without a night light
2. Doing a better job on his homework
3. Getting his chores done well
He has succesfully slept without a night light 2 nights in a row and his currently working on day 2 of the other goals. His dad and I are very proud of him.
Maybe we could learn from his example and try harder to make our own goals, stick to them , and meet them.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Yesterday we had the young people from church in our home. The tuned my children's instruments which was very, very nice of them since I have no idea how to. After they left my children of course had to get their instruments out and practice them. My son learned to play "Amazing Grace" and sounded better each time he played. I'm not really sure were he learned to read music. My oldest daughter got her violin out and the youngest not to be out done played the keyboard. Eventually we sang a few church songs together. It was a nice, peaceful time for us. None of us are very good but it sounded lovely to me and I'm sure that it was wonderful in God's ears. I'd sure like a few more evenings like that.
We are planning to go on a trip next month and I'm hoping that some of the brethren might be willing to show my children how to play more church songs. I think my daughter can make lovely music on the violin, and I'd like to see what she could do playing it as a fiddle. I'm looking forward to the time spent with my "family". My son and his Papa have gotten together a time or two with some other brethren and done some "pickin". He enjoyed it so much and absorbs any attention and help that he gets with his guitar.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Scum of the Earth

My dad preached yesterday and said that we were scum of the earth. That God formed man from the dust (scum) of the earth. How truly unworthy any of us are of his perfect love. He preached about how that we are all the same in God's eyes. Rich, poor, beggar, king. How that human nature will look with favor or disdain on one. That God does not prefer one over the other. Also he preached that if we desired to be called of God and sought after it God would call us.
I was reminded of where I could have been except for the mercies of God each and every day of my life. I was reminded of the many trials God has brought us through. How that when I would stray away, when I couldn't feel or hear God anymore, he was there. The long road and struggles that it took to get myself where God wanted me to be so that I could feel him and hear him once again.
I got a phone call that made me feel many mixed emotions yesterday morning. It was one of those that is short but can do a lot of damage if we are not very careful. It caused my dear husband and I to be very thankful for our intact family with all of its foibles.
The mercies of God that he would call me, sum of the earth, LOL
That he would bless me with a wonderful husband and children. Health and Strength in our bodies. A husband that fears the Lord and seeks after his will, one that takes his family to church and among the brethern. Whose heart cares so deeply for the brethern and his family. For children that love the Lord and the brethern.
There are days when I am very thankful for our simple, happy home of prayer.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

How Does This Work?

You walk into a used furniture store to pick up a dresser for your son. You walk out with the dresser..... and have made a deal to pick up a living room set the next day.
Well anyways I think we'll like the change.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

4 year-old Helping with 6th grade Science?

My son did not want to finish his Science review without help. It was to hard. He and my 4 year-old both wanted to go outside and play. I suggested that the 4 year-old help her brother with the science review and then both of them could go outside.
It was a great idea they both agreed. So in about half an hour the dreaded SCIENCE REVIEW was done and they were merrily on their way. Now why didn't I think of that sooner?

Friday, January 9, 2009

Cleaning Mirrors

My son has never learned the art of cleaning mirrors. He is responsible for keeping the downstairs bathroom clean. Needless to say even when he does a perfect job of cleaning the bathroom the mirror does not appear to have been touched at all.
Well my darling 4 year-old has decided to help her brother out. (It took me a few days to catch on) Every day while the rest of us are occupied with school work.....
She quietly goes into the the bathroom and very studiously gets to work. First she wets some toilet paper. Then she soaps done the mirror with the toilet paper and bar soap.
My 4 year old is very good about "keeping house". This is the game that she plays most of the day. Usually it takes the form of wetting a clothe and wiping down anything and everything in sight. This works out nicely. She's occupied and staying out of trouble and occasionally the walls get "washed down".
Now about that toilet paper and bar soap. I'm not sure how she has mastered it, but she has. When she is done there is a perfect layer of soap over the entire mirror. Which mom has to wash off in order to use the mirror.
Needless to say the mirror is cleaned each and every day she "helps" her brother.