Saturday, March 1, 2008


God knows just what we need and often supplies it before we even ask.
Travis' check about a month ago was about $400 more than it should have been.
When Travis showed this to his bosses they said it was a company mistake and not to worry about it. So Travis' mom calls about this same and is coming out. She wanted us to take her to Prosser so that she could spend some time with her brother, Bro. Benny Easter. The children and I were able to take her up there and the following weekend we went back up and spent some wonderful time with her as a family. We took her back to the airport on Wednesday after she spent a couple days with us. Uncle Ben died on Friday and Travis' mom headed back down right after attending her best friend, Sis Twila's funeral on Saturday. She left at 5:30 Sunday morning. This time it was by car and a quick trip. We were able to go back up to Prosser for the funeral and spend a little more time with her and the family.
It seems that a lot has happened in our lives lately. The children are quite a bit behind in school work but catching up. Its at times like these when I'm thankful that we home school and are able to go and do these things. We just need prayers that we can get caught up and back on track.
Travis has taken it upon himself to set up a list for brethren to stay up with Eric at night. A brother from Harrisburg and him are making a list, each assembly taking 3 nights at a time since both of our assemblies are small. Travis has been sick and unable to go see Eric much less sit up with him for about 3 weeks now. He is really looking forward to sitting up tomorrow night since it has been so long.
A Bro. Mark from Boise Idaho called this morning and felt like coming up and being of some help with and to Eric. When he called, Travis was at work but I called him back, invited him to dinner and encouraged him to come on if that was what he felt like doing. Bro. Bill Hays joined us for dinner and we were able to sit in heavenly places, talking on faith and God's mercy. I think maybe something controversial may have came up in the beginning. However my husband quietly said that we could "nit pick over the word and pick each other apart or not" both Bro Bill and Bro Mark agreed and they then proceeded to talk on Faith, Miracles, & God's Mercy.
I feel that if nothing else we have been blessed by Bro Mark's visiting in our home. It never ceases to amaze and astound me how God works in each and every one of our lives.
One time a young college student studying to be a minister came by and asked Travis and I some questions. It was for a school assignment. I'm not sure how we got on the subject of miracles but we did. This young man, about the same age as we were at the time, said that the miracles written about in the Bible died with the apostles. I said, "Oh how sad". I don't remember if I elaborated or not but knowing me I probable did. I know I didn't go into much detail though. But how blessed are we, who take it for granted, that the miracles spoken of in the bible still happen today?
To be able to call upon the Lord and in an instant be healed, or have the pain leave our bodies. To see the dead rise and breath again. It seems like now more than every we are in need of these miracles, and they are there for the asking, if we only have faith and believe.


Marisela said...

Glad you are back. It is a wonderful feeling to have the brethren in our home, and to listen to them talk on good things is such an added bonus.

Cherrie said...

I am glad to see you back on here. Sounds as if so much has happened lately. I am sorry about Bro. Benny I don't think I have ever meet him. That was a blessing with his check. Glad you have had company and good visits.

meNmykids said...

Sure hope that you get enough to help with Eric. Am I ever thankful that the Lord still gives us miracles!

Trina said...

Im glad to see a new post! It sounds like the Lord has been blesing you financially and spiritually. I am always glad to hear that. What is wrong with Travis? Is it the flu? That virus has been pretty vicious this year.

michelle said...

Glad to see you back.Sorry to hear Brother Eric is so bad.I know the brothern here have been praying for him.

meNmykids said...

Sorry to hear of your loss. We'll be remembering you all.

Tish said...

It's so nice to read post like this. It is really uplifting. It's nice when the brethren can put aside their differences and still enjoy good converstions on the goodness of the Lord.

Sabriena said...

I agree with all you said. It's always so wonderful to hear of the good God has done. But then, even that which we think is not so great is actually working towards something, I mean, God works in mysterious ways, right! That's amazing about the check. God knows.