Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Our children

It seems like our children are growing up so fast. Little Miss M just turned 5. We had a wonderful little tea party for her. Her and her bestest friend just got through sharing a little sickness. When they get along they are inseparable and when the have a tiff it last maybe 15 minutes..... and they are definitely on the outs. LOL Maybe part of that has to do with being the baby?
Our oldest is growing and maturing before our very eyes. He's just a little over a year away from being a teenager. It looks like he will be more mature by the time he gets there than we would have thought even 6 months ago. He's volunteering at the library about once a week, getting his chores done in record time, and trying to find ways to fill the rest of his summer and stay busy.
Our middle child is growing, and growing, and growing. Truthfully both of the older 2 are shooting up at record rates. About the time I buy them new clothes that fit they are to small again. She is still our little dreamer. Her heart is as big as the all outdoors, which is where she prefers to spend her days. It is really hard for her to stay inside and do her chores. She is constantly going outside every 5 minutes. I think sometimes she just gets to dreaming and forgets that she has things to do, and runs outside. (to wallow in the dirt it seems)
Needless to say we are all enjoying our summer. The fastest season in which my children usually grow the fastest it seems. Hope you all are enjoying your summer.....

1 comment:

meNmykids said...

We are having a fabulous summer. My kids are growing indescribably quickly also. What sweet descriptions you give!