Monday, September 14, 2009

1st day of Kindergarten

Today was my baby's 1st day of kindergarten. We went last week and met her teacher, saw her class room , checked out the bathrooms and library. We have been ready for weeks.... Her school clothes hung nicely in the closet. The countdown was on....
So we are in line awaiting instructions, she is doing her shy bit. And then she sees her bestest playground buddy, she instantly hands over all her "Important" first day stuff, and they clasp hands, jauntily going on. I felt a little sorry for the other mom. She said, "What about mom?". Here was her baby, probably up to that point completely relying on her mom, and suddenly here is a best bud and they are ready to go on to kindergarten together.
Well my baby got settled in, I waited a bit and then went on home. I guess I missed the crying dad, with mom saying "we have to go now".
This is my 1st to go to a public school but surprisingly enough there wasn't any high emotion on either part. I'm looking forward to volunteering. I will sadly enough miss open house and the first parent teacher meeting. Well I suppose that good old dad will do just as well.

1 comment:

meNmykids said...

Sounds like you are well settled to the event. Hope all is still going good.